DOpus (73/96)

From:Andreas Mixich
Date:25 May 2001 at 15:03:11
Subject:Re: [D5] Re: Scoop! The aliens let one return!

Patryk ?ogiewa wrote in a Mail about "[D5] Re: Scoop! The aliens let one

> him here. Nevertheless his point is there. He certainly doesn't have a

BS !

> a) they have paid for a "privilege" of being a sort of "beta tester" for
> the
> microsoft windows software. For a software they won't actually ever use
> due
> to the reasons described earlier.

They have paid for a license to a very powerful program they used for many years.
Nothing more.

When Cinemaware came up with Defender of the Crown for the Amiga I was a
true C=64 believer. They abandoned the C=64 completly ! And - I payed for
my games. Now, how was that ? I wrote them a letter how I felt abused as
being a "beta-tester" for their Amiga releases. Man, I hated them. They
never answered....

> b) again their engagement in supporting the rebellious Amiga platform
> served
> eventually for a better glory of the dark empire.

Oh boy !

> Of course now you may call me... whatever you like... But no offence was
> intended from my side. I simply wanted to show you the other side of the
> coin. Of course Greg and Jon do what they decided to do and it is their

The other side of the coin looks like this to me:

There was a once strong platform which has born some of the best programs
ever. One being Dopus. Now, the platform is close to dead, at least the
programmers have to survive, they might even die of hunger if they try to
stick with the Amiga before the last Amiga goes to the nirvana.

> free will to do so. Just before you call one's (all possible :-) names -
> maybe it's worth trying to understand what the one was actually, really
> up
> to. No matter how unmature his trials were...

No, both, the meaning and the form of his words are ill-minded. This
stupid "I was a beta-tester for Windows" is really annyoing me. It is
completly senseless.

Good bye,

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